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2024 Elections

   2024 uac elections

The University Area Commission is holding elections for residential representatives in the four districts covered by the Commission.

Positions to be Filled:

District 1:  One Three-Year Term, Ending December 2028

District 2: One Three-Year Term, Ending December 2028

District 3: One Three-Year Term, Ending December 2028

District 4: One Three-Year Term, Ending December 2028

Dates and Deadlines

September 1 - October 16, 2024: Candidate petition packets available

October 17, 2024 4:30pm: Deadline to file completed candidate petitions Email to

October 17 - October 27, 2024: Write-in Candidate packets available

October 28, 2024 4:30pm: Deadline for candidates to withdraw in writing to UAC

October 28, 2024 4:30pm: Deadline to file completed write-in declarations. Email to

November 2, 2024 10am - 4pm: 

Election Day - Vote from 10am - 4pm, Northwood High Building, 2231 North High Street

November 12, 2024: Election results certified by UAC Board of Elections


UAC meets on the third Wednesday of the month at 6:30pm (2231 North High Street, Room 100).

UAC was established by the Columbus City Council in 1972, to “a ord additional voluntary citizen participation in decision-making in an advisory capacity and to facilitate communication, understanding and cooperation between neighborhood groups, city o cials and developers” (Chapter 3313 of the Columbus City Zoning Code, Area Commissions: Procedure for Establishment).  e

UAC comprises 21 elected and appointed commissioners representing four neighborhood districts, some community organizations, the Council of Churches, the University Community Business Association, The Ohio State University and two of its student governments.


Election Packet

Download Election Packet here

We welcome your candidacy for the 2024 University Area Commission public election. Voting will be held on Saturday, November 2, 2024. The UAC has four open seats, one in each one of it's districts.

Candidates must be 18 years of age or older and must reside within the voting district that they wish to represent (see attached map), on or before November 2, 2024. Candidates need not be registered voters in Franklin County.

Petitions must be signed and completely filled-out by at least thirty (30) residents of your district who are eligible to vote in the election. Completed petitions must be submitted to the University Area Commission Board of Elections by 4:30pm, October 17, 2024 by email to and/or at the Northwood and High Building, University Area Commission, Room 200, 2231 North High Street. Please note that you cannot sign your own petition.

The Legistar form, Area Commissioner Profile and a Resume for the City must accompany the candidate’s petition.

Prospective candidates are strongly encouraged to read the University Area Commission By-Laws and Election Rules enclosed within the election packet. Candidates are reminded that if successfully elected, a commitment must be made to attend at least one monthly committee meetings in addition to the monthly Commission meeting held on the third Wednesday of each month at 6:30pm.

Candidates can reach out to the commission via email at We are more than happy to answer any questions, explain the process, and discuss our experiences on the commission.

To assume office, newly elected Commissioners must attend the monthly meeting beginning at 6:30 pm, January 15, 2025 at the Northwood and High Building, Community Meeting Room (Room 100), 2231 North High Street.

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