Governance Committee – Nov. 5, 2014 – Meeting Notes

University Area Commission | Governance Committee Report

Meeting Details: Wednesday November 5, 2014, Northwood and High Building, Started 6:10 PM and Ended 7:00 PM


Attendance: (P: Present, A: Absent, E: Excused, G: Guest, R: Resigned) Sharon Young (P), Jim Bach (P), Doreen Uhas-Sauer (P), Terra Goodnight (P), Colin Odden (P)  Jennifer Mankin (P), Charles Robol (P), Susan Keeny (G) and David Hegley (P)


1.     Review language in by laws around Group Commissioner seats which are defined as:

·       Social, religious and charitable groups;

·       Business groups; and

·       Residential rental property owner groups.

·       The terms of these members is 2 years that is based on the minimum requirement defined by the City of Columbus.

·       Under Article II Section 3, paragraph A it states By September 1 of each year, the Corresponding Secretary shall notify in writing all represented organizations that the term of their member shall end at the start of the annual meeting; and that it should submit in writing a representative to the Commission for the new term as set forth in Article II, Sections 1(b) and 1(C). This must be done by October 1 so that the Commission may certify the new members before the next annual meeting.

·       Based on the timing listed above it was discussed whether on month is enough time to give a group to get something in writing.

·       It was proposed that this date be changed from October 1 to October 31

·       There was discussion on what is meant by “certify” in this section.

·       Traditionally this has been thought to mean the Commission votes on the nominated member.

·       It was decided we should consider language that more clearly states the Commission should vote to approve the nomination, and once that is done, remove the final sentence as written today.

·       It was discussed how the Commission defines “all represented organization”

·       Currently we put the vacancies on our website and in our meeting minutes and future agendas until the seat is filled.  The question was posed since this is done, do we really need to notify the group that previously held the seat?

·       For the next meeting language will be drafted to separate the notification of Group seats from the Organization seats to make it clearer on the process of nomination versus appointment.

·       Draft language or something similar will be considered at the next Governance Committee meeting:

·       By September 1 of each term, the Commission shall publicly announce the call for nominations for group commissioner seats who shall  the  ending of a group   Corresponding Secretary shall notify in writing all represented organizations that the term of their member shall end at the start of the annual meeting; and that it should submit in writing a representative to the Commission for the new term as set forth in Article II, Sections 1(b) and 1(C). This must be done by October 31 so that the Commission may certify the new members before the next annual meeting.

·       Additional language around shall be appointed needs to be clarified by considering a new paragraph that states the group commissioners will be voted on by the Commission.


2.     Discussion Ohio sunshine law language about open meetings requirements in regards to Commissioners possibly discussion public business outside a public meeting.

·       Majority of Members (Ohio Sunshine laws 2014)

·       For there to be a “meeting” as defined under the Open Meetings Act, “a majority of a public body’s members must come together.”820 The term “majority” applies not only to the entire body, but also to any committee or subcommittee of that body.821 For instance, if a council is comprised of seven members, four would constitute a majority in determining whether the council as a whole is a “meeting.” However, if the council appoints a three-member finance committee, two of those members would constitute a majority of the finance committee.

·       This was clarified at a residents request to make sure the Commission understood it’s responsibility under the Ohio Sunshine laws.


The next meeting will be at the Northwood and High Building on December 3, 2014 @ 6:00 PM

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