Community Relations – 6th May 2015 – Meeting Notes

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Notes from the Wednesday, May 6 2015 meeting of the UAC Community Relations Committee

Rm. 100, Northwood High Building, 2231 N High St Columbus, OH 43201

Present: Beeman, Odden, Runta, Supelak, Young. Excused: Neithammer, Uhas Sauer. Attending: Susan Keeny.


  1. Electronic Communications
  2. Commissioner updates

Commissioner Supelak has continued making both architectural and content updates to our WordPress site

  1. Securing WordPress

Odden: Some housekeeping performed April 2015. A round of password changes is in order for mid-2015.

  1. Electronic Calendar

Multiple calendar plugins have been identified. Members will review and select/install in June. Integration with a service like Google Calendar can also provide automated reminders to calendar subscribers.

  1. Mailing list invitation.

MailChimp side of things is ready: Committee members need to make one more pass over the draft invitation prior to sending.

  1. Social media accounts and usage.

UAC Twitter account created. Combined with Facebook and Google Plus, this makes three accounts in addition to the web site. WordPress plugin to be selected that syndicates web site posts to all three media.


UAC’s Facebook account is currently underutilized – briefly discussed strategies to increase use and engagement.

  1. Other Communications
  2. Business cards.

Commissioner Supelak produced a draft design that received a generally favorable response.

Printing quotes will be evaluated for the June committee meeting.

  1. New Business

Commissioner Keeny brought a proposal to acknowledge and reward actions such as exceptional contributions to the built environment – exemplary renovations, landscaping, etc.. Commissioner Young noted UCA’s “Golden Paintbrush” award. Members discussed opportunities to partner with local businesses to create attractive rewards (eg gift certificates, in-kind gifts). Discussion included questions of winner-take-all approaches versus generally acknowledging contributions, and whether UAC can provide ad-hoc commendations via a flyer or note – in addition to or in place of a larger award. Members will consider and draft a couple alternatives for the June meeting.

Commissioner Keeny also suggested a ‘photo find’ where photos of notable places around the Area are posted and community members can make guesses as to the identity/location. Committee members agreed this is an excellent idea – members will commence taking photos to feed the queue. Commissioners Supelak and Odden will handle technical details – could easily be implemented via UAC Facebook and/or web site. Commissioner Beeman noted the importance of maintaining community members’ privacy, and/or getting consent, when taking photos.


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