Governance Committee – May 6, 2015 – Meeting Notes

University Area Commission | Governance Committee Report

Meeting Details: Wednesday May 6, 2015, Northwood and High Building, Started 6:09 PM and Ended 7:03 PM

Attendance: (P: Present, A: Absent, E: Excused, G: Guest, R: Resigned) Sharon Young (P), Doreen Uhas-Sauer (P), Colin Odden (P) Jennifer Mankin (P), Steve Volkman (P), Kate Neithammer (E), Michael Sharvin (E) and David Hegley (P)


  1. Discussed Proposed by law language changes
    • There was extensive discussion on changes to the language on Group and Organization Commission seats, but we did not take a final vote this month. The plan will be to make final changes in June and take a vote at that time
    • Discussed how to handle the term “Must” in the proposed changes to determine if we wanted this restriction
      • As discussed per the City Attorney’s office we must follow our by laws and the term “Must” seems very strict and would require us to enforce the by law in that anyone group that nominates someone after the proposed October 31 cutoff date instead or serving a full 2 year term they would be limited to just serving until the next annual meeting.
    • Proposed changes to Article II paragraph a:
      1. By September 1 of each year, the Corresponding Secretary shall notify in writing all represented organizations defined in 1(b) that the term of their membership shall end at the start of the annual meeting; and that it should appoint in writing a representative to the Commission for the new term. This should be done by October 31 so that the Commission can file paperwork with the City of Columbus so the new appointment can begin their term at the beginning of the annual meeting.
      2. By September 1 of each year, the Corresponding Secretary shall publicly announce the call for nominations from organizations defined in 1(c) to nominate in writing a representative from their group. This should be done by October 31 so that the Commission can vote on nominated members before the next annual meeting. The term will start at the beginning of the annual meeting.
  1. Discussion on changes to UAC By Laws Article VI, Section 1 were completed and a vote was taken to approve changes to this section.
    • Proposed changes:
      • Article VI Section 1: Elections shall be held on the Wednesday preceding the first Saturday in November and again on the first Saturday in November of each year. All elections shall be secret ballot. Elections shall be determined by plurality vote.
      • Motion to adopt changes to Article VI, Section 1 was made by Volkmann, Seconded by Mankin.
      • Votes in Favor – Odden, Mankin, Uhas-Sauer, Young, Volkmann and Hegley. Against – None. Motion passed unanimously.
      • This item will be brought to the full Commission in the June meeting.



Next Meeting June 3, 2015 @ 6:00 PM – Northwood & High Building Room 100

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