Planning Committee – Feb. 2015 – Meeting Notes

Available as a PDF: University Area Commission Planning Committee Feb notes

University Area Commission Planning Committee Feb. 2, 2015 meeting minutes

Meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. in Rm. 100 at the Northwood and High Building. Rory

Krupp convened the meeting and the committee members formally signed up for the committee.

Committee members are Rory Krupp, chair, Pasquale Grado, Doreen Uhas-Sauer, Steve

Volkman, Rachael Beeman, Jennifer Mankin, Ethan Hanson, David Hegley, Susan Keeney and

Sharon Young.

Krupp was nominated for the chair position and voted for by the committee in the affirmative


The committee identified goals for the committee for the coming year. Ideas to be explored in

greater depth included:

Expanding the University Area Review Board’s (UARB) enforcement area. It was noted that

initially the UARB covered the entire district and that this statute may still be on the books. This

will be explored in greater detail.

Expanding the number of City of Columbus and National Register of Historic Places historic

districts. The committee identified neighborhoods that might be amenable to historic district

designations. A Member of the City Preservation Office will come to a University Community

Association breakfast in the future (now rescheduled) to discuss the idea and field questions.

Increasing homeownership in the district and current housing needs including transitional

housing for lower average median incomes.

Exploring options in limiting group homes.

Poor drainage in The Circles. There was discussion as to whether it was still a problem.

The conversion of Summit Street and North Fourth Street to two-way traffic was discussed. A

wide range of opinions were offered on the concepts desirability and overall safety. No

consensus was achieved on this issue. Re-timing the traffic lights was also mentioned.

Implementing the University Area Plan was briefly discussed and will resume at future meetings.

This will focus on the portions of the plan that involve changes to the city code.

The meeting adjourned at 8:00 P.M.

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